Alior Investment Funds - Website
Alior Investment Funds
About the project
The objective of the project was to develop a concept, design and build a new website for Alior Investment Funds - Alior TFI. The website should have new tools to present performance of the investments managed by the company and be responsive to present the content well on all coputers and mobile devices.Solution details
The objective of the project was to develop a concept, and to design and build a new website for Alior Investment Funds. The website is developed to present the product offer of the company with detailed information and financial performance of particular investment instruments.
On the main page there is most important recent information presented (quotations, comments) to provide a quick overview of the current market situation.
Particular invstment products are described in detail with investment phylosophy, risks, portfolio composition and geographic allocation of investments presented. It is possible to compare performance of different investment products over chosen period of time with graphical presentation on diagrams and numerical values of rates of returns calculated.
There is also investment calculator for regular savings available which calculates future value of investments depending on a number of parameters (e.g. amount of initial investment deposit and amount of monthly regular payments, period of investments, annual rate of return). The accumulated final investment value is calculated and effective rate of return is presented.
The website has also a section with weekly comments on the market situation, a section on media presence, and a section with all the documents and regulations related to the investments.
The site was developed using PHP 7 technology, and is powered by our proprietary content management system Contentia CMS successfully implemented in several hundred of websites and software solutions we developed over the years. The front-end was developed using HTML5 and CSS3, and interactive elements were written using JavaScript. The website was designed as responsive and supports all popular web browsers on computers and mobile devices.
